Chatbot (Frontend Only)

Want to get started quickly? Check out this frontend only example! They're the fastest way to see the SDK in action. However, these examples are meant for testing and exploration only. In a real application, it's important to protect your API key. We'll show you how to do that in our secure setup guide.

1. Create Chat Agent

  • Create Project

  • Create a Chat Agent at Project > Chat Table > New Agent

  • Configure your agent. You can define the following parameters.


Agent ID

Name of Agent


LLM model


Max tokens


System Prompt

Define the persona of the model

User message

Define the conversational opener between User and AI

AI response

Define the conversational opener between User and AI

2. Get the following information to start using JamAIBase

  • Get the Agent ID.

  • Get the Project ID.

  • Create JamAI API Key at Organization > Secrets > Create API Key.

3. Clone the Chatbot Example

git clone

# example is at

4. Update the App.tsx

const baseURL = "";
const apiKey = "<jamaibase-api-key";
const projectId = "<jamaibase-project-id>";
const agentId = "<your-agent-id";

5. Start app

cd jamaibase-cookbook/quickstart/nlux/0001-chat-with-jamai-agent
npm install
npm run dev
  • Open up your app at http://localhost:5173 .

6. Manage and View Conversation Histories in Chat Table

Last updated