
1. Setup JamAIBase project.

  • Create a new project.

  • Get the Project ID.

  • Create JamAI API Key at Organization > Secrets > Create API Key.

2. Create a SvelteKit app using the npm create command.

npm create svelte@latest jamai-example-app
cd jamai-example-app
npm install

3. Install the JamAI Base client library, jamaibase

npm install jamaibase

4. Create a .env file at the root or your project and add the keys


5. Create a page

We will create a UI that will create a new action table.

Create a new file src/routes/create-table/+page.svelte and add the following form.

   <script lang="ts">
    export let form;

    <h1>Create Action Table</h1>

    {#if form?.success}
        <!-- this message is ephemeral; it exists because the page was rendered in
           response to a form submission. it will vanish if the user reloads -->
        <p>Successfully created the table.</p>
    {#if !form?.success}
        <!-- this message is ephemeral; it exists because the page was rendered in
           response to a form submission. it will vanish if the user reloads -->
        <p>Sorry, something went wrong!</p>

    <form method="POST" action="/create-table">
            Table ID
            <input name="table_id" />
            Column Name
            <input name="column_name" />
            Columng Data Type
            <select name="column_d_type">
                <option value="str">str</option>
                <option value="int">int</option>
                <option value="float">float</option>
                <option value="bool">bool</option>
        <button type="submit">Create</button>

6. Create a form action

We will utilize form action provided by sveltekit to accept the inputs from the client side. Then use jamai client to create a action table.

Create a +page.server.ts file in the same path of the form element to accept post data from the form.

import JamAI from "jamaibase";
import { fail } from "@sveltejs/kit";
import { PUBLIC_JAMAI_URL } from "$env/static/public";
import { JAMAI_API_KEY, JAMAI_PROJECT_ID } from "$env/static/private";

const jamai = new JamAI({
    apiKey: JAMAI_API_KEY,
    projectId: JAMAI_PROJECT_ID,

export const actions = {
    default: async ({ request }) => {

        type DTypes = "float" | "int" | "bool" | "str" | undefined;

        const data = await request.formData();
        const tableId = data.get("table_id")?.toString();
        const columnName = data.get("column_name")?.toString();
        const columnDType = data.get("column_d_type")?.toString() as DTypes;

        console.log("data: ", data);
        try {
            const response = await jamai.createActionTable({
                id: tableId!,
                cols: [{ id: columnName!, dtype: columnDType! }],

            return { success: true, data: response };
        } catch (error) {
            fail(500, { message: "Something went wrong!" });

7. Start the app

Start the app and go to http://localhost:5173 in a browser.

npm run dev

Last updated